martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Speaking fun with 4°B

Hello! This is Nabihah, the English Assistant. Today, class 4B have worked superbly on our topic of Jobs in Andalusia. Their attitude and contribution in class has been amazing! Today we focused particularly on our speaking skills, working on pronunciation and sentence structure. We then played a fun word game to help us remember the key words. Students had to give their classmates clues to the mystery word on the screen. They had 45 seconds to guess as many words as they could. They were very fast at guessing and gave their classmates excellent clues!

From when I first worked with them all the way back in September, 5 months ago, many of them were quite shy! But now they have come out of their shells and have improved greatly in their English Speaking and Writing skills.

Well done 4B, great work today. I love working with you!

Keep up the good work!

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